How to pass variable in cucumber feature file

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How to pass variable in cucumber feature file. And Enter register username "<username>" and password "<password>". , actual_data1. Lets take a look at the feature file: The Command-Line Interface Runner (CLI Runner) is an executable Java class that can be run from the command-line. Please find my work and help me in resolving or redirect me to any resources, where can I find support. What you are trying to do is not possible. I pass multiple examples for different environments into the scenario. properties file: Oct 18, 2021 · Currently we have 9 different URLs in our requirement scope and its implemented as Config file Application URL. The documentation happens to lend it self very well for execution. Then User navigates to "ResearchTicketDashboard" page. 2. feature. I sleep all night and I test all day """ Scenario: passing background Then the table should be |a|b| |c|d| Then the multiline string should be """ I'm a cucumber and I'm okay. xml, sqlJdbc driver, any UserID etc. Any responses will be much appreciated. each {|y| puts y } c. Yes, it will make the maintenance of the tests easier, and about the speed, it shouldn't be impacted just to read a file. | Kiwi |. When enter the URL "example. So I need to Jan 23, 2015 · Answer to query1: You can parametrize via Examples: table but not directly passing value using FigNewton gem because it is a . So in this case, the keys passed in the table will be name, john, mary, and ed. It allows you to add some context to the scenarios for a feature where it is defined. It is just a specification language. Each functionality of the software must have a separate feature file. Step 3 : Write a Java POJO class to represent JSON data. var capabilities = {. const rulesArray = rules. addValues (x,y); to work properly, you'll first need to create page that has a reference to your addvalues. Cucumber dosen't support data out side the feature file or from external file . Examples: | fruit |. Something along these lines: world. When keywords like Given, Then are reached by the interpreter, the matching methods in Java code are called. The short answer is that you give you entity that needs to vary a. We can pass the parameters to the step methods from feature file as shown in below scenario. @Given("^whenever a value is 50$") public void testing(value) { assertEqual(value, 50); } Honestly, I don't even know what this would look like. Sample scenario is mentioned below. Nov 9, 2018 · @JoãoFarias I have created 1 automation script in cucumber and you know feature file is important in it. CucumberExpressionException: ParameterType {anonymous} failed to transform [toto, tata, titi, tutu] to java. Map the placeholders in your step definitions: In your step definition files, you need to map the placeholders (e. The second line is a brief description of the feature. AuthenticationStepDefinitions. feature:2[0m. Dec 16, 2011 · When you write a step in your cucumber scenario, Cucumber suggests you the standard regex to match text inside the double quotes (regular expression [^"]* means a sequence of 0 or more characters of any kind, except " character). The first primary keyword in a Gherkin document must always be Feature, followed by a : and a short text that describes the feature. Given I go to the Add Asset tab. js or the file where you call your browsers type: case 'firefox': //Setup Firefox. Later you have to fix the framework Nov 19, 2020 · First of all, you cannot use the feature file to do any programming. each {|z| puts z } Aug 9, 2020 · The first step in the feature file is calling POST API and getting a response based on parameters. But when a new scenario starts the data is re-initialized. Dec 11, 2019 · If you are using cucumber version 4. Jun 12, 2020 · In addition to UnknownBeast, with Cucumber v6 and onwards you can no longer use cucumber. The documentation, shared knowledge and therefore communication is the goal for Cucumber. > to refer to that file, it will replace the variables with the definition. P. Gherkin/Cucumber is not a programming language. I need to automate some webservices, i create some methods for that and i want to use Cucumber for that but i can't figure how to use returned value in next step. Nov 7, 2023 · 1 1. Scenario: Login sucessfully on Facebook application [90m# MyApplication. page. > in that file. If you want to perform the above scenario with the listed values (10, 20, 30 and 40), you can add each of them as an example. I need to give path of Log4j2. x. When I supply enum value "GET" my question was that is it possible to pass argument using enum e. Jan 8, 2024 · Copy. So for that I want to parameterized input data depends on my environment. Given open browser. The custom object factory can be specified in this file and will be picked up when Cucumber is running. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . features = { "features" }, glue = { "stepdefs" }, Mar 7, 2024 · Environmental Settings. Then User is created successfully. And Provide correct credentials. When Create user with name "TEST". But now i think it is not possible,I've to pass exact String value which is defined in enum. Nov 27, 2017 · 1. Jun 26, 2021 · Cucumber run time parses the command-line options to know what Feature to run, where the Glue Code lives, what plugins to use, and so on. In this short tutorial, we’re going to learn about Cucumber Backgrounds, which is a feature that allows us to execute some sentences for each test of a Cucumber Feature. CucumberOptions; You will need to add the following to your pom. Jul 7, 2021 · Run the Cucumber Test. Environment Variables. Load the corresponding configuration for this stage in the before_all Jul 11, 2022 · When I ask whether <fruit> is a fruit. myFile. Feb 14, 2012 · 1 Answer. mvn test -Dcucumber. Notes: the class is in separate folder, it doesn't has Cucumber hooks, and its object isn't created anywhere in cucumber classes. But, when the Jan 11, 2016 · thanks Actually here you are passing argument in String format e. Please do suggest. Korstanje. Inside your browser. You would have to write something like "today + 3 days" and interpret that (possibly with a library). java. , <value>, <result>) to variables that will receive the values from the Examples table. Cucumber will run the script the same way it runs in Selenium WebDriver and the result will be shown in the left-hand side project explorer window in JUnit tab. So basically now you get set output report and feature folders through properties files and others options like glue definations java class. Jan 8, 2024 · 1. You can use Dec 27, 2021 · Is there any way to create a common variable at the feature file level & use it across scenarios instead of hardcoding as below for each step in cucumber feature files using java eg: Feature: Test Scenario: scenario 1 Given a user When get request is sent to "url" Then response code is 200 Scenario: scenario 2 Given a user When get request is To pass variables between steps I have the step methods belong to the same class, and use fields of the class for the passed information. Scenario: T Oct 3, 2018 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. In Cucumber, you can add data tables in two different formats : Data table with a header; Data table without a header Jul 22, 2021 · You can try storing the JSON data in separate files (e. @step('the {number:d} squared is {result:d}') def step_impl(context, number, result): assert number*number == result. steps") public RunGwMLCompareTests(){. List“<”Company“>”) that i need to share between tests (e. Run as JUnit. The main advantage of passing the parameters is that we can re-use same step method in different scenarios with different parameters. Sorted by: 2. filter. feature:10 To run entire feature file in project > cucumber Jun 12, 2019 · Caused by: io. text_field (:id => 'pwd'). e. String> So, any idea on how to make that work without using the string split solution? Aug 29, 2018 · I have a need to represent JSON object in the feature file. feature file not a Ruby . The name says “Cucumber” and then click on OK and . core. But it runs before each and every scenario were for a feature in which Aug 10, 2020 · You can get help about running cucumber from the command prompt by running cucumber --help. #1) Eclipse Cucumber Plugin: It helps the Eclipse to understand the Gherkin syntax and highlights the syntax of the feature file instead of a plain text. Jun 1, 2018 · Feature: Scenario outline with variables Scenario Outline: A "<some>" step is "<result>" # features/scratch. Scenario Outline: Verify user details. 7(it has step definition fixes) and trying to map the variables in variable binding to the feature file. You do not need to compile your code with tsc and then run cucumber on the compiled files, as suggested by Raymond Kelly. | Pineapple |. In order to capture the state in each step, we can store them in Step Definition class instance variables. Overview. Mar 3, 2014 · For Eclipse IDE you could shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F for 'Pretty format' in Feature files. Let’s first define the logic we want to write a test for: Let’s first define the logic we want to write a test for: public class Calculator { public int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } } 4. Defining Cucumber Tests Oct 18, 2019 · Step 1 : Selecting Test Data for JSON files. x, all support files, including env. The only thing that matters is the step definition’s expression. Perhaps mvn test -Dcucumber. The Code. In IntelliJ Reformat a code fragment In the editor, select a code fragment you want to reformat. Here is my feature file and trying to pass parameters Passing parameters in cucumber. And to run the test cases just run your Jul 14, 2017 · An example for an override feature source line in cucumber. Scenario: Validate workflow with research ticket having risk rating 3 and Complexity as No known difficulty (assign to other) When "Analyst" logs in to application. rb. Then User should get logged in. Aug 23, 2016 · I am attempting to pass a WebElement (instead of a String) from a Cucumber feature file into it's corresponding step definition. import cucumber. I have created jar file to execute cucumber test run. Please find the reference below, May 10, 2022 · 1 Answer. Q&A for work. Aug 30, 2023 · Background scenario would also be written in Cucumber feature file only. Jun 15, 2016 · You dont need to put square brackets in Examples. x, you can also prefix the filenames with env, as in env. Jan 24, 2020 · I am using Cucumber+Selenium+junit for automating test cases. If you want the values to be dynamic / random, you can implement this in your step definition. Then I should see "Yes this is a fruit" message. There are many different ways to define environment variables, depending on your environment. When I supply enum value 'testEnum. After writing a few scenario and feature files, I understood this about Cucumber and fixed the issue. Mar 6, 2021 · Welcome to SO. Are you sure the "400" will be properly converted into number? If you think that your answer is better compared to existing accepted answer then please add explanation to your post. I would like to pass Application URL in my command line argument. Is there any way to declare a variable in a feature file to then use in a cucumber test? Something like this: myFile. 1) When running the TestRunner to execute the test, the feature file is not connecting with Step Definition code and giving following message: Feature: Post text Hello Sakshi on Sakshi facebook account. class files. Generally, there are three ways to transform a data table in Cucumber: (1) a list of lists, (2) a list of maps and (3) a table transformer. *)+$/, { timeout }, async rules => {. I have changed the feature file ‘Scenario Outline’ to only use ‘Scenario’, so that I can incorporate use of variables in variable binding. behave-1. In feature file, I have written 4 features test case and execute it. By this you can easily parametrize May 14, 2020 · I am using Katlaon version 7. console. So they are just triggers. The DataTable object contains the tabular data from the data table we defined in our scenario as well as methods for transforming this data into usable information. @sanity @regression @test. logical name. And Keeping case as Valid. When I expect the messages to contain a,b,c,d. public String generateEmail(){ return emailAddress; } Now I have feature file: Nov 15, 2015 · 2 Answers. I got it after reading this post. May 13, 2018 · Write test scripts in BDD format using our Cucumber Selenium Tutorial. a. . So, for this. This variable is |text| for the below example. You only have to replace the variable in the example (which is assetName) by your environment variable. set ENV ['PASSWORD'] Another way is indirect. Cucumber makes use of a properties file ( cucumber. properties) if it exists. PASSWORD is set as an environment variable and you can use its value by referring to it as ENV ['PASSWORD']. The first three files would define all the Given, When, and Then step definitions related to creating, reading, updating, and deleting the various types of objects. Scenario Outline: Verify search results Given I set the authorization token in Header with below feature file body payload In Cucumber 4. name: "boolean", regexp: /true|false/, transformer: (s) => s === "true" ? true : false. cucumber. When login using '${username}' and '${password}'. Jan 3, 2019 · In my cucumber feature file, Ihave some thing like this: Scenario Outline: Hi Hello Given I open When I fill details <name> <Age> <DON> <Place>; Then Click enter Then I ver Apr 11, 2017 · from behave import step. – Using the Cucumber object factory a property file. options=-g StepDefs src\\test\\resources\\Testfeature. And you can then use this data in the step definition methods in the form of Maps. Scenario: Syntax. (Negative & Positive inputs). util. feature:9 When a "passing" step # ScratchSteps. Or you can use @hook type tags. You can use a public static variable to share state, but it is troublesome as state may leak between steps. click(); } Jan 8, 2024 · Let’s demonstrate both a bloated way and a concise way of writing featured files. So, my script is using 1. class); monochrome = true, tags = {"@passed"}, glue = "cucumberTest. feature file in runtime only. About the why. Using Secnario Outline you can pass multiple parameter. forEach(rule => {. I could use a json file for this for the code to pick up. If you are using java things are probably a bit different depending on how you run cucumber. Given I create client type: "66". Then Application should be closed after Rocky Search Status. each {|x| puts x } b. Oct 23, 2018 · 5 Answers. I have done this with Fig_Newton. behave -D BUILD_STAGE=develop . Other flavors of Cucumber uses a shared World object. When Validate page title and url. In my test application the passwords keep on changing every 60 days and updating these passwords in every feature file is very cumbersome. If you don't select a code fragment, IntelliJ IDEA will reformat the whole file. Now I want to execute only 2 features test case so I need to remove or make comment in feature file. Sample feature file: Feature: Login action Background: When "{login url}" is open Scenario: Registered user provides valid username and password Given user enters username "{username}" and Apr 13, 2023 · I am working on mobile automation using appium with Cucumber, I have to generate an email with random value on other java file i. Mar 26, 2018 · Keep user details in a separate place, and reference the email like: And I check that the file contains John Smith's email address or something similar. EmailUtils. js. Jan 27, 2019 · Each step in feature file depends on data/state from previous steps. Note that you will need to add the cucumber-core jar and all of its transitive dependencies to your classpath, in addition to the location of your compiled . With QAF your scenario can look like below: Given use is on login page. I am using “$ {username}” and “$ {password}” as my test case is calling the feature file and thought the feature file will use the binded variables, but instead it uses the variable name itself. properties file in project tree is: cucumber. *) in the Search") With Cucumber data tables, you can pass parameters from feature files in tabular format. 4th step : Move to Checkout from Product page. import behave. Then verify login. First, let’s explain what the Cucumber Background is. feature ". Dependency - cucumber-java : 2. Learn more about Teams Dec 19, 2016 · To use variables between steps you can add the variable at the top of the steps file (groovy or java), and the variable used in one step will have the value available for other variable. So, i have this Feature: Feature: Create Client and place order. py as it has already parsed the examples tables to the scenario outlines, but hasn't generated the scenarios from the outline yet. So your feature file would be something like, (pseudo code) Apr 16, 2019 · You can do this neatly by defining a custom parameter type for boolean, which will allow you to use {boolean} in your step expression in the same way as {string}, {float} etc. And Click on login button. The step will check for text, and fail if none is found. Feature. GET' like we use in java. This guide describes how to define the CUCUMBER_PUBLISH_TOKEN environment variable with value some-secret-token. cucumber feature_file_name. feature:(line no. Then "MISToolKit" page should appear. options=”feature file path” + “line number of the scenario” might work (got from googling run cucumber java from command line May 17, 2018 · You can then retrieve records from the CSV in the step code based on the ID. And Keeping case as InValid. Jun 16, 2014 · Running Multiple feature file, you need to add tagName into your selected feature file as. RunGwMLCompareTests. feature file where you define your scenario outline using the Scenario Outline keyword. And in your step definition file, use the below code: When(/^I expect the messages to contain (. On the other hand, if you run test from eclipse when you use the JUnit Runner, these options are generated from the @CucumberOptions annotation on your test. split(','); rulesArray. break; case 'phantomjs': var capabilities = {. You can just run cucumber with the typescript transpiler using --require-module ts-node/register. When User enters data specified in test case <tcn>. The file, class or package name of a step definition does not affect what Gherkin steps it will match. And Message displayed Login Successfully. rb file. And you can only run your tests from the IDE. api. It won't recognise anything except step definition. Check the JSON/Map/Object for the key of John Smith and grab his email address. sh file in the directory where you call npm test from. log(typeof value); // "boolean". In below scenario, we have passed the name of website in Given step. The following entry needs to be available in the cucumber. of scenario) > cucumber feature_file_name. js, when you're referencing this from inside step definitions, you're actually referencing the World context. json, etc). aStep(String) Then Jan 29, 2020 · 1. Thanks in advance!! java A feature file is usually a common file which stores feature, scenarios, and feature description to be tested. Sorted by: 12. js: function CustomWorld() {. Sharing state between steps defined in different step classes is as @Marit says done using dependency injection. Lastly in the step definition class you can write logic to extract data from mentioned JSON file to java object. feature To run particular Scenario. You are taking the string value and turning it into the first element of an array, which is then passed to the methodcall (). Below, I show you how to use any variable within a feature file. It’s a good idea to use a name similar to the file name. I have separate class with static variable (e. Given User creation form management. Full example courtesy of hdorgeval at cucumber-ts-starter. Jun 1, 2018 · When User navigate to Login Page. 'browserName' : 'firefox'. Nov 13, 2018 · With cucumber. Scenario Outline: login with valid username and password. Now we are all set to run the Cucumber test. I can change it to the below format and it passes, but I want to avoid adding an entire column with the same string just to make the Cucumber Gherkins pass. xml, otherwise "mvn test" will not work. The underlaying implementation is therefore uninteresting. feature:3 When a "<some>" step Then I get "<result>" Then my scenario titles end up very useful Examples: Scenario Outline: A "passing" step is "passed" # features/scratch. 4. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Step 4: Prepare ConfigFileReader to read Json path location from Properties. But this would mean that i cant pass values from the feature file. Hi @mrEvgenX! I mean to pass the variable as explained in the image above. get, add or remove companies from list). Cucumber uses environment variables to enable certain features, such as publishing Cucumber Reports. rb files, are loaded. run(cucumberTest. Then User enters "<username>" and "<password>". The first line of this file starts with the keyword Feature: followed by a name. So, I saw your comments with the Tin Man, and answer is Yes. feature The Cucumber for Java Book is cool. Feb 28, 2019 · 1 Answer. runners. Given Open firefox and start application for Rocky Search Status. Mar 5, 2019 · @post-operation Scenario: Verify that POST /<some url> is successful Given I have a valid access token from Ping ** import JSON payload from external file, store it in context and use it here or in Gherkin definition that implements below step ** When I POST to /<some url> And response code should be 200 And ** some more actions ** Mar 12, 2012 · Once you use . cli. Then I press send button. Apr 2, 2019 · I am using Scenario Outline for my API testing. com". As far as I can see other person suggested to cut status code and pass it to variable. We need to go to Eclipse >> Help >> Install new software >> Click on Add button >> Specify the location as this. e, abc and pass should be copied to Examples of feature file 2. Right Click on TestRunner class and Click Run As >> JUnit Test. The feature file is an entry point, to write the cucumber tests and used as a live document at the time of testing. In the meantime as a workaround they suggested me to use os. Cucumber does not execute this line because it’s documentation. The extension of the feature file is " . Sample Feature File: Scenario: User searches for a character in Search When The user searches for # in the Search Sample Step Definition: @When("The user searches for (. feature file. So you cannot pass dynamic values from the feature file. So for When I fill in "some_field" with: "SOME_STRING" it will suggest the following step definition: Jul 10, 2017 · I'm looking for a way to get all the parameters that are being passed in each step before entering the actual scenario for each scenario in my feature file. The purpose with Cucumber and BDD is to be able to document a common understanding of a problem. What you are looking for is supported with qaf by use of json data provider . tags="(@cucumber or @gherkin) and not @salad" Supported properties are: Jan 14, 2019 · Gherkin/Cucumber: How can we use the same step definition and pass optional parameters from feature file 0 How to pass a data from some json file to Gherkin feature file May 24, 2017 · By default, you will pass . Or alternatively, mock the clock used by the application you are testing so you can control the progress of time. cucumber PASSWORD=my_password. I am still not getting how would i pass the access token and other parameters in the next API in same feature file. The flow goes like, Read from Excel and with the data generate testng XML suite dynamically to invoke each feature file. cucumberexpressions. | Apple |. Cucumber Background. And I type the valid name <assetName> in the asset input box. *) regular expression in step definition to take any kind of parameters. Instead you'll have to use individual properties. In Cucumber versions < 4. A first step to cover your feature file with tagName for example:-. May 14, 2020 · I am using Katlaon version 7. Our Feature file for now looks like this: Step 2 : Create JSON data set for Customer data. Jun 2, 2015 · junitRunner. Below is the feature file example. A Background is much like a scenario containing a number of steps. Use our Appium Tutorial Series to setup Appium from scratch Aug 8, 2019 · Teams. addvalues. The last file would define step definitions related to logging in and out, and the different things a certain user is allowed to do in the system. Mar 23, 2020 · That is clear account number is undefined in pages file. Java class with steps definitions: Oct 27, 2017 · Here, I want the data that is there in the feature file1 to be passed to feature file 2 i. Mar 17, 2020 · Not completely sure of how to use variables that are binded in a test suite to use in the step definition file. 5 introduced the userdata concept. – When I am trying to do pass parameters from cucumber feature file to step definition getting blocked. The second step to go to runner file and add tags into your CucumberOptions Example:-. Scenario: Test Given I want to click "myWebElement" The corresponding step definition will be: @Given("^I want to click (. 3rd step : Item position. The trick is to use before_feature in environment. options with a command line like string. Then user will be asked to go back to login page. – Oct 29, 2021 · As we mentioned above, we will be using Cucumber Examples to pass test data in to the test. Although we can make this test completely data driven by passing the below things as test data : On 2nd step : Different Product type. Use that name in the gherkin, and let your step definition. Java logic can not be applied to feature files. When a Cucumber step definition needs a value passed to it, that value is assigned to a local variable defined between the pipes ‘|’ after the ‘do’. You can either set an environment varaible or use one in the commandline. Just write the values as comma separated e. 4. look up the value. For an example, browser. lang. java, whose method can be like this. Before reformatting, you can take a look at the code style settings that Mar 29, 2018 · 1 Answer. And store into 'status'. If you put custom files inside features/support that you do not wish loaded when you do a dry-run with Cucumber, you can use the --exclude flag to ensure they aren’t loaded. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Oct 18, 2023 · Define your feature file: Create a. As shown in the example, I'm just asking to see if there's any plugin, setting or any other way to detect that syntax in the . local. x or above you can use (. Every time if I have to change Application URL, I need to manually update the URL in config file and then I can execute require scenario, which is tedious task. Jul 11, 2015 · Instead of using Junit, use TestNG to invoke feature files. I have already searched on stack over flow but solutions didn't help me much. To run particular feature file > cucumber feature_file_name. g. I am trying to cover a corner case by re-using the current step def. Sep 28, 2016 · Create a start. getenv ('variable_name', 'default_value'), and then at the command line I would just say export variable_name='another_value' ; behave. Snippets. Jan 30, 2023 · To run my Selenium/Cucumber java project, I need to pass some VM arguments, variables, properties path etc now easiest way is to pass it in Eclipse run configuration under "VM arguments" tab. Feature: Testing different requests on the XLR CD API Scenario: Check if the student application can be accessed by users Scenario Outline: Create a new student & verify if the student is added When I create a new student by providing the information studentcollege <studentcollege> studentList <studentList> Then I verify that the Feature: Passing background with multiline args Background: Given table |a|b| |c|d| And multiline string """ I'm a cucumber and I'm okay. Given whenever a value is 50. Mar 22, 2016 · You can do this through configuration. Here is an example as follows: Feature: Demo. java io. When Cucumber encounters a Gherkin step without a matching step definition, it will print a step definition snippet with a matching Cucumber Expression. Scenario: Create user. Example. 2. You will want to keep in mind, when passing a table in a cucumber step like this, the first column will be your key and the second column is data. [33mGiven [0m[33mOpen Facebook application[0m. This will take your value, break it up by commas and puts each of those as an element of the array. Scenario: Test web Apr 16, 2022 · Use the same variable value in other feature in cucumber. Apr 19, 2018 · I want to pass something like this in feature file in cucumber. Answer to query2: How you do it: Parametrize and Loop it on username and in you steps definition mention what to do when particular user name found. Its purpose is to execute one or more sentences before each test of a feature. With a hook tag, you can have a tag at the top of a feature file that you can use to set a variable that affects how the steps operate (but it needs to be handled Nov 2, 2016 · 3. This corner case can use an already defined Dec 3, 2020 · Well, I'm not asking to do any programming in the . I experimented some time to see what path the CucumberOptions property accepts so here above is the quick Nov 27, 2019 · Sorted by: 1. Jul 7, 2021 · Background in Cucumber is used to define a step or series of steps that are common to all the tests in the feature file. Then Message displayed Rocky Search Status Successful. *)$") public void Test(WebElement we) { we. Apr 2, 2016 · And in your test cases, you just need. My need is very simple, give multiple input and verify the output. 0. And then reference only the JSON filename in the feature file. – M. List<java. Main. The purpose of the Feature keyword is to provide a high-level description of a software feature, and to group related scenarios. Sorted by: 16. And I create for client: "OUTPUTVALUEfromGiven" an account type Sep 13, 2018 · how can i get the data tables data in step definition the step definition is written in javascript Cucumber-webdriverio. You can try to give a hard coded account number in pages and check if getText for that element is working. cy jn qe ly pc up sq rt lm fj